Types Of Snakes In India

 Indian subcontinent boasts of housing approximately 10 percent of the total snake species found in the world, adding up to somewhere around 200 species in number. From warm seas to semi-deserts, swamps, lakes and even the Himalayan glaciers, one can find snakes in almost all the habitats in India. The snakes of India range from Worm Snakes, about 10 cm in length, to the King Cobra, measuring upto 6 m. Mentioned popular species of Indian snakes below

King cobra

                              One of the most notorious and poisonous snakes found in India, the cobra’s most distinctive features is its hood.  There are three races mainly the spectacled cobra, the monocellate cobra, and the black cobra.  Cobra feed principally on rats, frogs and toads, but can also take in lizards and snakes including other cobras!  They have a weekness for ‘invertebrate’ (organism devoid of a backbone. E.g. earthworm, ants, cockroaches etc.) eggs.  Mating occur in January, and the eggs are laid in April-May.  The eggs between 12-22, hatch within 45 to 69 days.Indian King cobra snake belongs to the Ophiophagus Genus and is scientifically known as Ophiophagus Hannah. It is believed to be the largest poisonous terrestrial snake, measuring upto 5.7 m in length. However, the weight of a King cobra rarely exceeds 44 lb (20 kg). 
Python snake

                              Python snake, also known as Ajgar, is one of the most massively built snakes of the Indian subcontinent. It belongs to the Boidae Family and is dependent on water to quite an extent. One of the unique features of the Rock pythons of India is that they can raise their body temperature above the ambient level, through muscular contractions. 

Russells Vipe
                                       Russells Viper is known by a number of other names, like Daboia, Tic Polonga, etc. A highly poisonous snake of the Viperidae family, it is scientifically known as Vipera russelli. Indian Russell's viper is responsible for most of the snakebite deaths within its habitat.

                                              This harmless, olive-brown snake is beautifully.  Ornamented with black and white cross bars that gradually disappear along the mid body.  This can be plucky and aggressive if irritated but temperaments very.  It feeds on small mammals and amphibians.  It is found throughout India, although it is fairly common southwest India.  In Maharashtra’s konkan region, it is believed to be the female cobra.  Little is known about breeding habits.  And enacting possibly occurs in January with hatchings being born in July. 

                                   This harmless snake prefers the tree tops to life on the ground.  It is perfectly camouflaged among the leaves because of its uniform ruddy brown skin.  This active snake is restless and a quick, both on the ground as well as in the trees.  It springs on its prey.  And feeds largely lizards and tree frogs.  It also occasionally raids birds.  Generally lively and plucky snake, its disposition varies from snake to snake.  It is found in southern India and the Himalayan foothills in south India this perfectly harmless snake is considered fatally poisonous.  This oviparous (Egg laying animal e.g. birds) snake lays its eggs between September-February.  The 6-7 eggs in a clutch (number of eggs laid at a time given time) hatch 4-6 weeks after laying.  And the gestation period is 4-6 months.
                                    This beautiful and harmless black snake has narrow pale greenish-yellow cross bars.  It is acute during the day, and prefers trees.  But it is also frequently spotted in the grass and on low bushes.  It feeds largely on geckos and other lizards.  The 6-12 eggs are laid in May while hatchlings have been recorded in June.

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