Richest Men Of All Time

John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) 


Rockefeller's rags to riches life, from humble childhood home to america's first billionaire was based on his ownership of standard oil. 'As rich as Rockefeller' became a byword for vast wealth.

Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877)


Once American's richest man.Vanderbilt was a steamship and railroad owner who captalized on the growth in US transport and trade.

John Jacob Astor (1763-1848)


America's first multi-millionaire, Astor began amassing his fortune trading furs, later diversifying into land ownership in Newyork
Bill Gates (B.1995)


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates assets peaked at $101 billion in 1999.He has since become the world's most generous philanthropist

Stephen Girard (1750-1831)


At the time of his death French-born philadeiphia banker and philanthropist girard was the wealthiest man in america.

Andrew Carnegie(1835-1919)


Scots-born Carnegie's wealth came from steel.He donated vast sums to educational institutions, libraries and other charitable projects,

Alexander Turney Stewart (1803-76)


Department stores and mail order to serve a burgeoning US market established the fortune of Irish-Born entrepreneur Stewart

Frederick Weyerhauser (1834-1914) 


German Born Weyerhauser acquired forests and developed the world,s largest logging business during the 19th century consruction boom.

Jay Gould(1836-1892)


The son of a farmer Gould was a ruthless businessman whi amassed a fortune speculating in the expansion of Americas railroads

Stephen Van Rensselaer(1764-1839)


One of america's biggest landowners,Van Renssealaer inherited a Ductch colonail estate of some million acres of Newyork

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